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Agile Blended Services helps you rapidly build innovation through project engagement services, training for innovation and training for pragmatic project management.
What is the service efficiency in your organization?
A. Great and looking for more service efficiency improvement
B. Exploring service workflow efficiency improvement
C. Closing service gaps
(Here is a pragmatic glimpse of these abstractions.)
Whether your organization is a for-profit or a nonprofit, you provide services to meet stakeholder needs.
The stakeholders who benefit may be individuals inside your organization or individuals and organizations you are reaching with your services. Those inside your organization also have an eye on increasing business workflow efficiency.
All these needs require web apps and mobile apps that utilize your existing business data while providing new data. These apps and data connect people in your organization with each other and with clients. These connections occur in the context of your business and service workflows.
Every organization is unique.
So we blend proven techniques with your organizational culture and way of working. This increases focus on innovation that helps reduce operations cost, increase service efficiency, increase customer satisfaction and improve decision accuracy.
Project Engagement Service Benefits
Contact us to consider step-wise innovations, innovation transformations or simply providing more capacity to continue doing the innovation your clients expect or need.
Choose from these benefits: Rapid Project Startup Event, Technical Project Management, Applied Coaching for Agile Modeling, Low-Code / No-Code Apps & App Data Development, Low-Code / No-Code Business Workflow Automation.

Rapid Project Startup Event Benefits
Rapid project startup includes Solution Modeling, Big Room Gatherings and additional techniques. The result is rapid clarity of focus with decisions, identified issues and ownership. Rapid project startup blends expressively sufficient diagrams with your way of working requirements and architecture. Your way of working may utilize a Business Requirements Document (BRD) or requirements specification documents or a product backlog. A key result is a pragmatic plan that provides incremental working solutions for your clients and your organization. This is accomplished in a few days for small projects and within a week for medium size projects. This event typically occurs after a project charter or equivalent has been agreed upon. This includes milestones and budget signoff. The Big Room Gathering portion of the event is designed for decision making. • Contact us to discuss tailoring a Rapid Project Startup event for you and your organization.

Technical Project Management Benefits
Excellent technical project management provides phased working solutions. This management practice includes focus on getting consistent quality feedback from your clients, client representatives and staff. We provide a project manager who has led software projects and managed expectations. The individual knows the relevant questions for engaging technical staff ranging from architects to developers. Technical project management shows up within traditional project management roles, obviously, and within Product Owner, Scrum Master, Agile Lead and release integration management roles. Our technical project managers are experienced with adapting their leadership style for established development teams and for new development teams. • Optionally or in addition, you choose whether to include innovation enablers such as our Exceptional Team Dynamics training, Data Analytics Survey training or Solution Modeling for Rapid Project Startup training. You can also choose agile contract or agreement content consultation. Agile Blended Services applies this consultation for you to use with your internal departments or with your external technical professional service suppliers. • Contact us to discuss your qualifications for a technical project manager to drive or assist your project progress. And let’s discuss what innovation enablers may be relevant for your project or your organization.

Applied Coaching for Agile Solution Modeling
We provide applied coaching for you to rapidly communicate current and future software solutions when engaging with clients and stakeholders. Applied coaching uses Solution Modeling and Design Modeling. The modeling diagrams are proven approaches for agile, hybrid and predictive software development approaches. The team benefit of Agile Modeling is rapid communication. The goal is not precisely correct diagrams. The goal is sufficiently accurate diagrams. • Generally, Solution Modeling diagrams need a higher level of accuracy. This is because they are used when engaging customers or customer representatives. Design Modeling diagrams help identify what is missing and what is needed to fulfill the functionality and architecture expressed by Solution Modeling diagrams. Solution Modeling provides diagram assisted discussion to rapidly discover and define what the customer values. This is a great approach for product owners, business analysts and solution architects when engaging with customers, clients and internal stakeholders. For small companies, these diagrams also lend themselves to effective communication with investors and partners. Solution Modeling enables your way of working requirements. Requirements are used to improve business process capability and to provide product/service functionality that meets customer/client needs. • The result of Design Modeling by architects and developers is alignment of your software and data design with features and functionality required by your customers. The core of Design Modeling is a set of Sequence Diagrams. These express software functionality during runtime. Each diagram corresponds to a given statement of functionality (use case or set of user stories). State Diagrams are used as needed for expressing complex logic. Class Diagrams express software design from a “blueprint” perspective. • Contact us to apply the power of Agile Modeling for accelerating customer engagement and accelerating development productivity.

Low-Code / No-Code (LCNC) Apps & App Data Development Innovation
LCNC usage brings reduced operations cost with faster adaptation and greater opportunity. Opportunity includes significant time savings and increased coordination, accuracy and speed of decision making. Envision your business data, apps, app data and workflows being used innovatively. The innovation increases efficiency within services used to deliver value to your customers and clients. We bring LCNC mobile app development to nonprofits and businesses that are small, midsize or large. Our focus is custom apps for those who work within your organization and those who work with your organization. This may include your customers or clients. When acceleration is your project goal, then we start with the LCNC platform you are currently using. • LCNC mobile application development platforms (MADP) provide fast adaptation and lower cost that needs to be balanced with your business needs. We use a “Fit for Need” assessment to recommend a LCNC platform path or a non-LCNC platform path. For both paths we provide technical project management in order to connect your app business objective with app development services. For the LCNC path, we also provide the app development. For the non-LCNC path, our technical project manager works with a mobile app development service. The LCNC path includes a “Fit for Use” assessment in order to select a platform such as Mendix, Betty Blocks, AppSheets, PowerApps, Zoho Creator or another. The assessment includes monthly subscription cost, variety of app components that can be displayed on a mobile app screen, scalability for number of users, and other factors. You choose when or whether to transition the LCNC app development to your staff. We provide custom training for the transition handoff. • We provide app data integration with your business data. The integration is for accessing and storing data. We develop microservices to provide this integration. Integration can also include workflow automation or custom data aggregation. The data aggregation ensures you have visualization of the way app users are contributing to your business services and operations. Simple visualization can be provided through Google Sheets or Excel. • Contact us to discuss tailoring LCNC development for your business mobile apps. Reduce your development costs. Increase your opportunity.

Low-Code / No-Code Business Workflow Automation
Save time and save money. Give yourself more time for opportunities. Start with eliminating repetitive manual actions. Start simple and expand. We listen to your business needs when starting or expanding your workflow automations. There are LCNC workflow automation platforms for very simple automations and for complex workflows. • When you are starting workflow automation, we use a “Fit for Use” assessment to recommend a relevant LCNC workflow automation platform. • From a business processes and workflow design perspective, we implement automations. And we provide custom training to show you how to implement the automations. • Platforms like Zapier or Appy Pie Connect make it easy to start simple with your existing business apps. These apps include Google Workspace apps, Microsoft Office 365 apps, project management apps (Trello, Asana, JIRA, others), storage service apps (Vimeo, YouTube, DropBox, Google Drive, others), and hundreds of other apps. Workflow automation can include mobile apps and data storage solutions like MySQL, SQL Server, DynamoDB, Firebase / Firestore and others. Complex workflow automations require use of advanced Zapier capability, Quickbase or Appian for example. Quickbase, Appian and others generate mobile apps for tracking and visualizing business workflow performance. • Contact us to discuss automating your business workflows. Save time. Increase your opportunity.
Training for Innovation
Contact us to consider your next step for refreshing your way of work regarding team dynamics, being a knowledgeable influencer in data analytic projects and more.
Choose from these training options: Exceptional Team Dynamics for Innovators, Data Analytics Survey, Solution Modeling: Communicate Fast, Equipping Rapid Project Startup Facilitators.

Exceptional Team Dynamics for Innovators
Achieving exceptional team dynamics is an intentional art based on transparency and honoring others. This establishes predictability of team members one to another. The result is decision making excellence that is rapid and accurate. This approach has been successful among solution architects and developers in small projects and multi-million dollar projects. We look at this approach in relationship to stages of team formation, types of teams, opportunities to embrace and obstacles to address. One major obstacle to identify and address is the two common causes of all miscommunication. Active listening interactions are evaluated. Pragmatic use of emotional intelligence is coupled with principled negotiation. The result is transparency, honor and decision making excellence. • Contact us to discuss you or your team getting to exceptional and staying there. Note: Principled negotiation is defined in one of the best relational books of all times: “Getting to Yes” from the Harvard School of Business.

Data Analytics Survey Benefits
Data Analytics Survey focuses on projects or subproject that provide predictive models for decision making. Decisions result in action by people or by software systems. This training enables you to influence and participate in such projects as a project manager, Scrum master, business analyst, product owner, data analyst or developer. Predictions result from a model. A model that can be sufficiently articulated is one that provides widespread benefit to people within the organization or business. Some of the questions we cover: What are the project phases to build, refine and enhance predictive models or even prescriptive models? What questions do I ask to understand the quality of a model? In what ways can I visualize (literally see) the predictions and the quality of the predictions? Experience creating a predictive model in a brainstorming context and within a guided step-by-step context. The brainstorming involves a whiteboard. The step-by-step uses R and Python comparatively. It includes using processing techniques to create derived variables (i.e. data set columns). These variables are used to improve predictive accuracy of a model. You also experience techniques for assessing the quality of a model’s predictions. • Contact us for increasing your engagement to enable effective innovative data analytic projects.

Agile Solution Modeling: Communicate Fast
Solution Modeling provides diagram assisted discussion to rapidly discover and define what the customer values. This is a great approach for product owners, business analysts and solution architects when engaging with customers, clients and internal stakeholders. Everyone gains clarify from these diagrams: Context Diagram, Use Cases Diagram, Business Process Workflows, Data Diagram. These diagrams enable your way of requirements to express product/service functionality that meets customer/client needs. Product/service functionality occurs in an execution environment. The architecture of this environment is communicated using an Architecture Layer diagram and High Level Data Flow diagrams. These are part of Solution Modeling. A business objective, product vision, product roadmap and project objective bring focus to those engaging with each other as they express the customer solution using these diagrams. Defining the key use cases is a great way to rapidly and accurately launch into user stories for organizations that use product backlogs. Use cases are integral to a Business Requirements Document (BRD) based approach and to requirements specification documents. Solution Modeling enables your way of working requirements. Each project phase concludes with customer review and feedback of the working solution. Start the next phase with updates to your Solution Modeling diagrams. Add new use case definitions or user stories for feature development. Diagrams provide visibility, clear communication and confidence for decision makers, customers and developers. • Contact us for increasing innovation through the speed of diagram assisted discussion and consensus. A super quick overview: (1) Context Diagram identifies dependencies between your system/subsystem and associated systems/subsystems. (2) Use Cases Diagram enables discovering inter-relationship between functionalities and user roles (actors). (3) Business Process Workflow diagrams identify activity interrelationships and sequencing among roles within the organization. (4) Data Diagram identifies data that is stored. One Data Diagram format is an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

Equipping Rapid Project Startup Facilitators
An effective Project Startup Event requires a precheck, effective facilitation and stimulating innovation. This occurs in the context of using Solution Modeling and Big Room Gatherings to produce a pragmatic plan. • The precheck identifies decision making aids that need to be present. These aids typically include a product vision statement and a product roadmap. The product vision statement identifies the solution benefit to end users and to the organization. A product roadmap shows features and capabilities to be provided within each quarter. The quarters may cover two years of time. These aids are typically present as part of a project charter approval that releases funds to the project. • Effective facilitation uses Solution Modeling for diagram based discussion. It also uses Big Room Gatherings so that decision makers are present for necessary discussions and agreements during the Rapid Project Startup Event. Exceptional team dynamics are necessary for rapid progress during the event. The facilitator ensures participant understanding and use of such dynamics. This includes approaches that orchestrate good conflict. • Innovation focuses on the requirements starting point and the way of work. The requirements starting point is Solution Modeling tailored to your organization. The way of work is tailored by the team to best fit the project and customer needs. • A pragmatic plan and a solid team result from the Project Startup Event. The plan provides phased delivery of working solution increments. The customer provides feedback on each increment. The feedback drives confirmation and adjustmentment to meet the customer need. The pragmatic plan provides criteria and time for completing solution work estimates. These estimates are necessary for organizing the solution development into solution increments. The nature of the estimates are determined by the way of work that is agreed to for the project. (From a high level perspective, the way of work is either agile, hybrid or predictive.) • Contact us for equipping individuals to effectively setup and facilitate Rapid Project Startup Events.
Training Benefits for Pragmatic Project Management
Pragmatic means the ability to think outside the box. Deliver value to customers while navigating risks and engaging opportunities.
Provide space for product development teams to innovate. Operate within project objectives while strategically shaping organizational culture and managing expectations.
Contact us to strengthen your potential with PMI-ACP® certification exam prep training or PMP® certification exam prep training.

PMI-ACP Exam Prep: the ways of agile
Make a difference by seeing the breadth and depth of agile. Recognize where structured planning spread across time is inherent to agile methodologies. Establish exceptional team dynamics.
Technical staff, product owners, architects and project management staff are strengthened to identify and blend relevant agile practices into their way of working together. Be challenged during our interactive time!

PMP Exam Prep for Project Success
Leading projects is for adaptive individuals who bring people together with focus on project objectives. Grow the range of skills and principles you need for leading projects in a predictive (waterfall), agile or hybrid context.
These contexts all involve handling risks, engaging stakeholders, establishing optimal team performance and more. Become even more known for managing business interests and delivering value.
PMP, PMI-ACP are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.